The Main Differences Between Residential and Commercial Epoxy Flooring

When undergoing renovations to your home or business, you should always seek advice from a professional on the different types of flooring services. However, many reliable concrete contractors will recommend that you install multiple epoxy floor coatings for optimal strength and protection. There are two primary categories of epoxy flooring: residential and commercial applications.

What Is Epoxy Flooring?

Epoxy mixtures and overlays contain resins and hardeners that create a sturdy and durable surface when you apply it to concrete flooring. Multiple coatings of epoxy will make your floor practically indestructible, which will effectively prevent a lot of damage and depreciation. You can install epoxy flooring just about anywhere, including sports facilities, retail shops, homes and public spaces.

Residential Epoxy Flooring

Residential epoxy flooring often serves more of an aesthetic purpose. Let’s say you want to try and sell your home. Installing a new and durable flooring system will go a long way in attracting more potential buyers. You can also recoup all the money you invest in a residential epoxy flooring system when you complete the sale of your home.

Residential epoxy is a service that typically entails an entire makeover for your garage or basement flooring. A reliable contractor will repair your existing floor before installing multiple coatings of epoxy to reinforce and stabilize it. Also, residential epoxy flooring offers you an affordable and resourceful way to add more value to your home.

Here are some benefits of residential epoxy flooring:

  • Renovate your home promptly and affordably
  • Make your home appear more unique and elegant-looking
  • Make it easier to sanitize and decontaminate your home
  • Add more value to your property

Commercial Epoxy Flooring

Commercial epoxy flooring is much different from residential applications. It often has industrial-grade strength and durability that ensures long-term use. Also, commercial epoxy flooring comes with additional safety features that go a long way in preventing accidents in the workplace. Furthermore, installing commercial epoxy flooring allows you to add more decorative appeal to your business so that you can attract new customers.

What else can we say about commercial epoxy? It’s among the more affordable flooring options, and installations are often quick and easy to complete. This means that you can avoid having to shut down your business to install your new floor. Also, because epoxy flooring is so incredibly sturdy and strong, you won’t need to make any changes or upgrades well into the future. This will help you save a lot of money over time.

Here are the benefits of commercial epoxy flooring:

  • Offers incredible longevity, ensuring decades of use
  • Provides additional safety features that other flooring systems don’t offer
  • Allows you to revitalize your business affordably and conveniently
  • Enhances the appearance of your floor

Hiring a Reliable Contractor

Before you decide to hire a contractor, you should do a little research to determine their qualifications and experience. You should never hire the first company that you discover, but rather ask around and get recommendations from friends and colleagues. This way you can choose the contractor offering services that better suit your needs.

You should also meet with contractors in person to get a feel for their professionalism. Ask them for references so that you can get an idea of what they are capable of producing. A reliable contractor will have no issue sharing their previous work with you.

We usually tell people to not allow the price to determine who they hire, but you should always compare prices offered by different companies. Here is something to keep in mind: there is a difference between cheap and affordable. If you can get a good deal on premium epoxy flooring, then why pass it up? Most contractors will provide you with a free quote for their services.


Residential and commercial epoxy flooring are both in high demand at the moment, and they offer the perfect long-term solution for both homeowners and business proprietors. They have a sturdy and professional finish, and they require minimal maintenance to keep them in pristine condition. No matter how you decide you use your new epoxy flooring, we can guarantee that they are a valuable investment.

We also want to mention that epoxy flooring is a viable option for industrial-grade applications. It has tensile strength, which no other flooring system can produce. You can get a lot of use out of an industrial-grade epoxy floor without having to undergo any repairs or resurfacing well into the future.

If you live in Missoula and need assistance, then feel free to give us a call! One of our professional epoxy installers can help you get everything started. We are always willing to accommodate all of your flooring needs.